This week (20th November 2024) we were featured in Countryside Jobs.

A big thanks to Countryside Jobs Service for the opportunity to talk about education and technology, if you’re a new entrant to the sector or thinking of switching to a green career then urban forestry could be for you. Alongside improving your soft skills, take any opportunity you can to learn more about GIS and how technology is and will continue to shape the sector.

This week (23rd October 24) we have been featured in Tree Lady Talks.

Always great to chat with my good friend and colleague Sharon Durdant-Hollamby especially about the need for more community engagement across the sector. This aspect is going to become more and more important in our urban forestry programs as we move forward.

So super exciting to be able to share what we are doing with our communities across the UK through our work Woodland Dwelling and using TreePlotter. I also hope that future grant schemes recognise the differences in programs and reward those that are doing great engagement.

This week (7th October 2024) we have been featured in Countryside Jobs - you’ll find us towards the end of the page but take a look if you’d like to find out more about what we do and the world of TreePlotter. Countryside jobs

This week (30th September 2024) we have been featured in an article in the Times Property section discussing how to redesign our streets to make more space for street trees by sharing service ducts with other utilities. Times Property

This week (5th September 2024) we have been featured in the Pro Arb magazine that was given out free at the APF at Ragley Hall. Pro Arb, Check out page 64.