Woodland Dwelling can offer to develop, write, or review your tree strategy. We have an experienced team who have worked extensively with councils, housing associations and their partners to establish what is important to your local team and community, and develop a strategy in line with those priorities. Russell set up the first Tree Forum in the UK, to bring interested groups together to help formulate improved policy. Sarah has been working with community groups to develop policy. We can organise, facilitate and run community engagement sessions to develop or consult with partners, community groups, and the general public.
All Tree Strategy projects are bespoke to each client and their needs. Each project varies in the amount of time and community engagement required to deliver a sound and robust strategy.
Whether you are a small parish council looking to increase the canopy cover within your district or a large local authortiy looking to revise an existing strategy please contact us to find out more.
Woodland Dwelling has a wealth of experience working across local communities and large cities to deliver important planting schemes. Russell is known for work at Bristol City Council where he designed the tree scape for the Greater Bristol Bus Network, and helped green the city’s cycle network. Results from planting in key areas were dramatic with increased numbers of people using the networks. Those plantings can now be measured and shows how the city can incresae its canopy cover.
Woodland Dwelling can assit with design of hedgerows, woodland belts and tree scapes whether it is for small school schemes where children are to help with planting and take ownership of the trees, hedgerows and woodland belts; or street trees where wardens or guardians will maintain the trees for years to come.
Woodland Dwelling are firm belivers in “Right Tree, Right Place” to give the best results for the community and the tree, to ensure it can live a long and healthy life with low maintenance.
Tree designs can be from a handful of small trees in a limited area to larger tree scapes dominating the horizon. Here at Woodland Dwelling we are growing our own tree stock to give a wider variety of tree stock we can use within our planting designs.
Here at Woodland Dwelling we pride ourselves on being able to deliver, and part of that is working with councils, land owners, funders and government bodies to establish the needs and barriers to planting in certain locations. Part of what we do is to remove those barriers, find funding streams and help community groups to plant trees in their locality. We have worked with Save Our Street Trees and other groups to help ensure that their ideas can actually happen. Please read Helen Hodgkinsons experience of working with us to plant trees in Wootton Parish Council.
One of our favourite times of the year is National Tree Week when we get to spend two weeks out and about planting trees (usually in the rain!). Seeing other people enuthisatic about trees spurs us on to create new woodlands, forests and calm green spaces for future generations.
A Greek proverb says “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” We have sat in the shade of those trees and want others to do the same. Over the course of the last 9 years Woodland Dwelling as a team (including the junior members) have planted in excess of 20,000 trees here at our home and across the country we have planted tens of thousands.
We can organise, facilitate, run, or just provide expertise and tool hire for you to have your own tree planting session. As part of our tree planting days we can design the scheme, scan for underground services and if necessary revise the design as well as a risk assessment. On the day we can provide everything you will need for a successful day of tree planting. we provide gloves, (reusable digger gloves), tools including spades, bars, rootball lifters, matocks, wheelbarrows, sac trucks (depending on the size of the trees). If the event is for longer than a day we can provide tool safes for safe storage over night.
We have over 20 years experince planting trees with communities, Russell is known for setting up TreeBristol a community lead planting program working with residents, local groups and businesses to plant trees across the city.
The event can be an educational one with a tree talk to start (useful for school and youth groups but also some community groups are interested). There will be a safety talk to ensure the risk assessment is understood and any potential risks are identified and mitigated for.

It doesnt just end with the planting, young trees need watering regularly to survive into maturity and establish themselves. We can offer a watering service if in West or South Wales, we can empower the community group to look after and water the trees by giving them watering cans and knowledge as to the amount and frequency of the required water.
Maintenance goes beyond just watering and can encompass inspections, pruning and surveying. These can all be managed by TreePlotter in a bespoke app fitted to your needs for as many users as required within the same licence. Read more about TreePlotter.